Thursday, December 31, 2009
Getting closer

Monday, December 14, 2009
Sorting and packing and Romans papers
So, I will probably not miss the long hours of research and writing in the library, but I have certainly learned a lot through all of my different papers. Looking back, I have written about so many different topics, including post partum depression, abortion, existentialism, Eastern mysticism, repentance, and the effects of divorce on children. I do not regret a single topic I chose.
Praise God for running! I'm off to do that since I just finished one of my papers. My thoughts are so scatterbrained right now and I'm ready for a break!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Life lessons...
Throughout the whole ordeal, I surprisingly was not freaking out as much as I normally would. I know my parents were praying I wouldn't worry about it, and I actually didn't (very much). God allowed each "important" item in my purse to get taken care of, and now I have learned a few things through it. First, purses and wallets are all going to burn at the end of all things. :) I do realize money can be important in life, but God is letting me know that He can take care of all that, giving me a presence of mind (and also a great dad) to take care of the necessary details. Secondly, people are much more important than things! I knew that in my heart, but having to realize it in such a difficult way was good for me. My cousin's husband Dan, after expressing how bad he felt about me losing it was like, "Well, at least you're alive and well, no one was hurt, no one's bleeding..." SO TRUE! :) Third, it's so crucial that we develop a sense of eternity, not the silly things of this life. Whenever we get so emotionally attached to things here, we forget to focus on the Real King, Christ. This might also be a good preparation for living in Sao Paulo, since it's not exactly uncommon to have things stolen right off you on the buses, streets, etc. :)
Anyways, that was my Saturday adventure. In some ways, I'm thankful this happened, not that I'm glad to have to deal with all the issues, but that God taught me a lot through it. Who knows? Maybe someone can get some use out of my Chicago train pass that was also in there. :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oh the times of change...
Anyways, today was basically hilarious on lunch shift for dishcrew. I was working rack, loading the dishes on, and Mel and Josh were on silver and slop. I had thrown a sponge that hit Josh square on the arm and another that hit Mel square on the ear/face. :) It was pure delight to me. Anyways, Josh decides he wants to get me back, a fair decision in my mind, as it is pretty normal to have sponge fights on silver/slop/rack. He throws it at me, completely missing, while I shriek (something I only do when I'm hyper or working dishcrew or both) and proceed to dump over my bucket of water all over myself. They were doubled over with laughter, and Killer soon shares the story with Nate and Naomi. News always travels fast on the crew, and soon everyone was looking at me knowingly, assured of the fact that I am a clutz who manages to dump water all over herself, even when I didn't even get hit by the sponge. I just enjoy those little D.C moments, and these are some times I will treasure and never forget.
Then there's those times I miss my boyfriend like CRAZY, like right now for instance. I have learned that when those times come, instead of being melancholy and feeling sorry for myself, I need to put every single one of those desires and feelings before the Lord, focusing back on who is my True Rock. Even though it's ok to miss my Aulo, it's important that he not become what I trust for support and the strength I can run to at the end of the day. God's really been convicting me of that lately.
So, anyways, Mel and Angelica are here studying, and I should probably take the hint and go do a bit of reading for Apologetics. or maybe just get to sleep soon, since I'm babysitting in the morning. That's another things I'll miss, watching little Liem and Raine every Friday. it's been fun...
The main thing for today is to be reminded that the people around me have always been important to me. They are some of God's instruments in shaping me into who He wants me to become. and i'll definitely miss them.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009
The beauty of children...

Thursday, June 11, 2009
First impressions...

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Just livin' and lovin' life...

So basically summertime is amazing. :) Even if there are rainy, chilly days, somehow they seem to be more bearable if they happen in the month of June. But then you wonder, why couldn't out attitude be like that all the time? I mean, God created the cold, wintry freezing days too. And yet it is so much easier to not complain when the days are nice and beautiful. That is just something I've been convicted of. Anyway, life's been very full and awesome these days. I just love being able to have days that are not consumed with schoolwork and I'm able to have a mind that functions a bit easier. It's wonderful to be allowed to think about something for a long while or read a book at my very own preferred pace!!
The next two months are full of travelling and changes in scenery always! Won't be a boring summer, by far... You can pray that I continue seeking the Lord and putting Him first in every friendship and decision I face!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Another start of a summer...