I have been able to spend time with some of my closest friends, while still trying to balance the homework for this 3-week class. God has been challenging me in more ways than one these 2 weeks, and I am so thankful for it. I think He is getting me ready to move on to a new course of life and be able to focus solely on Him, even if I'm worried or sad or uncertain about tomorrow.
My packing is coming along well. I have everything mostly in something at least, I have just been working on making sure I'm not taking anything unnecessary or over the weight limit. Amazingly, God provided me with more weight because I'm allowed two 70-pound bags; Brazil is United Airlines' only exception to their 50-pound limit. :) Yay, praise God!
This next week is going to bring SO much! I still have class every morning, then in the afternoons I will hopefully get in some hangout time with friends, then organize, finish homework and pray for good closure before I leave. Pretty crazy! I have been imagining what PACA will be like, but I can't wait to finally see where I'll be spending a couple years. I was actually able to meet a few girls at the MK snow camp who just graduated from PACA, and they showed me some pictures from the yearbook, how cool is that? God seriously is incredible at preparing His servants for what He has planned.
Prayer: for continued times with the Lord next week and focused prayer for the classroom I'll be in!
Have a wonderful week!
going to miss you oodles!!!! praying you have a safe flight & trip altogether :) love you, girl.