Saturday, June 20, 2009

The beauty of children...

I just had to share a few things that happened this week with my childcare job. I have been working with kids that are going to soon be missionary kids. It has been an exhausting and rewarding week. Exhausting because they each have about 5 questions per minute, if not more, and they are 8-10 year olds, so they are naturally curious about the entire program, and want to know what we have planned for the day, like in the middle of Bible lesson! But God's teaching me to be patient and remember that I was just like that not too long ago. ;) Yet it is rewarding because those kids are very sweet. I've been hanging out with all age groups, and they are sooo great. For example, the boy on the right, Caleb, brought me like 2 flowers in the first day. And he loves giving out hugs like none other. My other kiddo, Cassie, is 10 and she is Caleb's sister.
The other day it was raining and we had a somewhat gloomy, indoor day. WE were headed over to the house we teach them at, and she whispered to me, "I brought something that is perfect for rainy's just for you and me, but I feel bad I didn't bring it for everyone. I just can't carry that many." So, when we arrived at the house, (a 15 minute walk), she pulled out two styrofoam cups, 6 packets of sugar, and two teabags. It was so sweet, the way she had thoughtfully known that I happened to be losing my voice from answering so many questions, reading them books and correcting their behavior. :) The cups were somewhat smashed, so we decided to use real mugs. And, she also happened to know that I LOVE sugar in my tea. Anyways, little moments like this make me love these kids no matter what.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First impressions...

Isn't it funny how so many times we immediately label people when we meet them? And in a short amount of time, you realize what a mistake that was? Even if it isn't a bad label necessarily, there seems to be a consistency in the fact that the initial impression isn't accurate. It is really incredible how many times I've been proven wrong. It isn't even worth the effort to "judge a book by its cover" because in time there are so many amazing, deeper, wonderful things you discover about the people that come into your life.

This recently happened to me with several people, two of whom I will share here... these 2 people happen to be a very sweet and amazing couple who I just met about 2 weeks ago. They temporarily run the mission guesthouse here in Pennsylvania that I'm staying at for a few days. They are actually from western Canada, and when i first met them, I assumed they were a quiet, typical 60-something couple. They were very sweet and engaging, (which is still true :), but I had no idea about how much fun they'd be! God brings people so unexpectedly and at the times when you most need it! I have had so many fun times with them this week! The husband helps out sooooo much!!! He is always in the kitchen at mealtimes, helping his wife get things ready for the guests. He absolutely never compliains about it either. His wife had a problem with her "rotituary cuff" (something in her shoulder) and he made sure she knew he would take care of things. Also, they are both such teasers!! I mean, I just met these people, and the husband was dryly commenting about the fact that I had half of my dessert then decided I wanted a bit more chili. He was like "your stomach's gonna get so confused, which flavor do I process first! Oops, here comes more salty food!!" He is somewhat like my dad with his dry humor and she is kind of like my mom in how she laughs heartily at every funny thing he says.

Anyways, this couple has really blessed me and helped me to feel comfortable in this huge, beautiful, old house (I'm familiar with it, but I rarely stay here, the last time I did my family was just joining the mission and I was 5). Oh and one more thing, the husband was trying to fix up the VCR and he was asking me if i used it at all.. I said no and he said he had watched "Veggie Tales" to test it out. He said, "It has certainly been a while since I watched that one!" ;)

So much more I could say on this glorious summer night, but it is bedtime. Love you all and pray you have a blessed June!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just livin' and lovin' life...

So basically summertime is amazing. :) Even if there are rainy, chilly days, somehow they seem to be more bearable if they happen in the month of June. But then you wonder, why couldn't out attitude be like that all the time? I mean, God created the cold, wintry freezing days too. And yet it is so much easier to not complain when the days are nice and beautiful. That is just something I've been convicted of. Anyway, life's been very full and awesome these days. I just love being able to have days that are not consumed with schoolwork and I'm able to have a mind that functions a bit easier. It's wonderful to be allowed to think about something for a long while or read a book at my very own preferred pace!!

The next two months are full of travelling and changes in scenery always! Won't be a boring summer, by far... You can pray that I continue seeking the Lord and putting Him first in every friendship and decision I face!