Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rice, Potatoes and Plantains...all in one meal

My daily faithful friend
The plantain in all its glory...actually it`s realy delicious fried up
Let me tell you, the potatoes here don`t look like this, but they are delicious!

Not to say that each of those aren´t yummy on their own. In Peru you can find these three ingredients for a fair price, but you pay a higher price in the lack of variety. Hitting my 9-month mark of living here, I can finally say I am starting to put a creative twist on lunch. Most of that is due to the small toaster oven we bought in Lima. Even if it is a Mexican dish conjured up from a desperate desire to eat something besides rice and chicken, it´s SOMETHING! Today was a Mexican day, and Aulo did enjoy it…and guess what else was on his plate? You guessed it. Rice. And plantains. But then I found myself dishing up some of my own rice. Yep. I might be addicted, especially with a nice serving of beans to go with it. That would my Brazilian upbringing.
Let me use all that to say this simple statement: Papa John´s pizza is a party in my mouth. Our two week trip to Lima, along with other duties performed, also included a few trips made with gusto to that famous parlor. There is nothing quite like dipping hot crust into garlic sauce, after 5 months of not tasting it. But really, all complaints aside, I do still love me some rice and potatoes covered in spicy Peruvian sauce. 
p.s. I don`t take credit for the photos. Google was kind enough. :)

Does this even NEED a caption???

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